What Happened in April? Quarantine Life Update

I realize that we are half way through May but… you know what? I’m going to recap April regardless because I can.

April was quite the month. I had PLANS for April. Did I accomplish any of them? No. No, I did not. April consisted of me adjusting to and getting treatment for depression and anxiety. Needless to say, I did not succeed with my Camp NaNoWriMo plans last month. My doctor has been awesome though and I’m feeling a lot better than before (I mean, look, I’m actually blogging and eating again). I’m still a work in progress but I’m hopeful that things will continue to get better. My husband’s school semester is finally over and we are both very excited about that! This week we’re going to be giving the apartment a nice, deep clean.


As far as reading goes, I didn’t read at all in April. I tried but I never succeeded with getting more than a few pages into a book. I broke the ice though with an audiobook. I have been watching tons of booktube videos, especially the reading vlogs from Kayla @ BooksandLala. If you haven’t watched any of her videos, you really should because you are missing out big time.

I have been busy trying to schedule out posts for this blog and have been successful so far. I’ve made up a schedule for the rest of this month and all of June, now I just have to write all the things! In the mean time, I’m trying to come up with more ideas for July so I can schedule things far in advance in preparation for baby girl’s arrival this August.

2020 has been an interesting year so far, what with the stay at home orders. A bookish thing that makes it interesting for me though is the fact that Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer and The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins both come out this year! I read the Twilight and Hunger Games series as a teen and these new releases take me back to less complicated days when I would just devour a large book or an entire series without a second thought. Simpler days.

This has me wanting to just read all the books like I used to. It has also reminded me again to just let myself enjoy reading and read whatever I may wish to at the moment.

New Reading Developments

I’m part of the Epic Reads facebook group and there are some people who post about having read 20+ books in April and every time I see that all I can think is, I have the time to do that now but no motivation. It’s really frustrating to be honest. But I refuse to pressure myself into reading. It’s honestly a great relief to find myself able to read and blog again.

In the last couple of weeks though, I have managed to consume 8 books, many of which were review books I was behind on. That has been a great relief to me. I have a stack of unsolicited books I received from HarperCollins that I’ve started in on as well, so I’m hoping to get through all of those soon. I am super excited about reading all the things again, especially thrillers. I’ve recently discovered that I really do enjoy thrillers! I’ve been having tons of fun exploring that genre.

With my new goal to try and read 3 books a week, I discovered that if I can manage that I will end up reading nearly 100 books in a year. I’ve never done that before but now I want to try, especially since I’ve already met my Goodreads reading challenge goal for the year.

My local B&N is opening for in store browsing again on May 29th and I am SUPER excited to go there and be able to pick out a book in person instead of just using curbside pick up!

So tell me, what have you been up to during quarantine? Has May been an easier month for you too?

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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