Would You Rather Bookish Edition | Book Tag

So I don’t know who actually created this tag and/or the questions in it, but I found this over at Of Wonderland. I don’t typically do book tags but this one looked both difficult and really fun so here we are. I’m not really sure how else to intro this post so without further ado…

1. Read only a series or stand-alone books?

Okay, I struggle with this one because a lot of my favorite books belong to series. However, I have been more into stand-alone books lately. On the one hand, I get to stay with characters I love longer. On the other I get the sweet satisfaction of knowing I have officially finished a story. Believe it or not, I really like that feeling.

Practically though, I’m going to have to say read only series since basically all of my favorite books end up being in one: Falling KingdomsLord of the RingsAnd I DarkenPercy JacksonHarry Potter… need I say more?

2. Read a book whose main character is male or female?

This question just isn’t fair, okay? I love both equally. HOW CAN I CHOOSE? All I have to say is I’m really glad that I don’t actually have to choose between these two.

Ah, man…

I’m going to have to go with male main character because otherwise I would never be able to read Harry PotterRanger’s Apprentice, or Lord of the Rings again.

3. Shop only at Waterstones (or other actual bookstore) or Amazon?

I would shop at a physical bookstore. This isn’t difficult since I hardly ever buy books from Amazon. I typically purchase from Barnes & Noble in store. I just love physically going in and browsing the shelves and picking up the books. It presents a struggle and brings me joy to be physically surrounded by books.

4. All books become movies or tv shows?

Oh man. I think I would rather see TV shows. A lot of books belong to series so I’d rather see them tackled as TV shows in order for them to be produced more accurately than a movie sometimes allows. To be clear though, I would be scared of either one.

5. Read 5 pages per day or read 5 books per week?

Um, if I have the option of being able to read 5 books a week I am going to take that. I have never read 5 books in a week in my life and I would LOVE to be able to do that. I would definitely have to take notes, but who cares? I’M READING ALL THE BOOKS.

6. Be a professional book reviewer or an author?

Okay, this is the easiest question on here by far. Author. Hands down. This is already something I’m already working towards so I guess this isn’t the fairest question for me. However, I do think being a professional book reviewer would be incredible. I’d much rather be an author though.

7.  Only read the same 20 books over and over or get to read a new book every 6 months?

Wait. So I only get to read one book every 6 months or read the same 20 books over and over? WHO CAME UP WITH THIS QUESTION!? This is an evil question. *cries*

Ummmm. Well, I just did the math… I suppose I would go with the same 20 books because otherwise I would only get to read 2 books a year. But neither of these options excite me y’all.

8. Be a librarian or own a book store?

This is a really great question! I think either one would be a lot of fun! Honestly, I would be fine with either one. With a library I’d get to give people books for free but I always feel like book stores need some help with book placement and if I owned a book store I’d be able to fix this?

Gosh. Can’t I have both?

I guess I’ll go with book store.

9. Only read your favorite genre or your favorite author?

Favorite genre. I basically just read my favorite genre as it is. Plus, my favorite authors write in my favorite genre so it’s the best of both worlds!

10. Only read physical books or eBooks?

Physical books. I don’t really read eBooks very much. I prefer to have a book in my hands and on my shelves. They’re just so pretty to look at okay? I never really got into reading eBooks. Nowadays I really only read an eBook if I have an eARC. Otherwise it’s physical books or audiobooks for me.

*Which ones would you choose?

*Have you done this book tag? If so let me know in the comments!

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

One thought on “Would You Rather Bookish Edition | Book Tag

  1. Series. Male. Don’t shop Amazon though I am looking forward to spending a gift card I got there. Movies for the epic scale of the screen (but only if done right). Would love to have the time to read 5 books a week. Author for sure as I am already one and came out of the womb writing (and reading). Own a bookstore (perhaps just online). Primarily read fantasy but also like British history and motivational books. Physical books all the way, very very rarely read ebooks.


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