Review: Sea Witch | Two girls. Two boys. One death.

No one in town likes Evie and she blames herself for the death of her friend, Anna. But then one day she meets a girl who looks just like Anna. In order to keep Anna with her though, Evie needs to use magic and magic is forbidden.

Honestly, with Sea Witch I think I expected more. I had seen this book online a lot the last few months. It kept popping up so when that happens I’ll typically pick it up to see what the deal is. This was by no means bad, and I’m willing to give the sequel a go when it comes out later this year but this wasn’t fantastic.

I feel like I was supposed to be really invested in one of relationships in Sea Witch, but I really never was. I feel so meh about most of this book though, I’m not even really disappointed about that.

This is a retelling of Ursula’s tale and I did try to guess where the author was going with this. I couldn’t figure out how to she was going to tie that in. I was pleasantly surprised with how that entire situation panned out. I actually really did enjoy Henning’s twist to this particular tale.

All in all, this was a solid book but didn’t really hit the sweet spot for me. If the synopsis sounds interesting to you though, don’t be afraid to give it a go!

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

4 thoughts on “Review: Sea Witch | Two girls. Two boys. One death.

  1. Oh I read this one last year and I liked it, with the writing and the style, but I did show up expecting like some villainy 😂It was not…very dark haha. I didn’t realise there would be a sequel though!


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