July Wrap Up and August Goals (Because I Did So Well Last Month)

I feel like a lot happened in July, but at the same time I don’t. It’s weird.

This July I finally decided that I missed reading and blogging too much to not do it so I am back in the game! And I’m having a lot of fun blogging and visiting everyone’s sites again. I’ve been blogging (sometimes off and on) for over 5 years now and somehow, between school last year and getting married in the first half of this year, I forgot how much I love it.

Life has calmed down a bit now though, and I have found myself watching way too much TV. So I’m back. Not gonna lie, as much as I love being here, this is also to help me curb my recent TV watching habits. Seriously, I watched basically 20 episodes of season 14 of Grey’s Anatomy in one week. It took me a week to watch like the first 4 episodes of that season a few months ago. So… as much I loved it – that’s an unnecessary amount of TV in that amount of time. Last year, I got sucked into watching Vampire Diaries with my roommates at school, and watched 8 years of TV in the span of a few months. It’s ridiculous.


So what happened in the month of July?

I wrote 6 blog posts and cleaned up some old ones! Yay!!! Seriously though, I am so proud of myself. I know a lot of other bloggers put up like 20 last month but I am just so excited that I actually met all but one of my July goals!

To recap it, my goals last month were to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo, post at least once a week on the blog, and to read one book. I did participate in Camp NaNoWriMo. I had a goal to revise 10,000 words of a novel. I got to about 6,000 words. So could have done better, but not bad. As you already know, I posted at least once a week on the blog.

I totally failed at finishing a book last month. However, I did read. I read parts of a bunch of different books. I read like 120 pages of Jurassic Park with my husband, listened to part of The Bone Witch, read a little bit of the second edition of No Plot? No Problem!, and I started reading Dragonwatch by Brandon Mull. I was actually planning on finishing Dragonwatch this weekend but I accidentally left it at work. Sad. I know.

If you missed any of my July blog posts then here’s the list:

Other Things I Did

During July, I decided to step up my bookstagram game, and by that I mean actually tried to post pictures. It was still sporadic throughout the month, but this momentum did carry into the beginning of August though. I have successfully posted at least once a day on instagram so far this month!

This has been something I’ve struggled with since I started using instagram but I want to change that. I have so many books that just sit on shelves unused. I’d love to showcase these beautiful covers and some books that I read a while ago that I loved. Plus, my husband ordered some cool nerdy stuff that will eventually end up in some of these photos once it arrives; and I’m super excited about that.

August Goals

So where am I headed this month?

  • I’d like to post at least once a week on the blog. Hopefully more, but I want to save some time for reading and writing so I don’t want to over-commit.
  • Post at least once a day on instagram. As I stated above, I’ve been doing pretty well with this recently, and I’d like to continue to do that. I really enjoy taking pictures anyway, so I feel like this is a good way for me to help develop this skill too.
  • Finish one of my abandoned writing projects. I started a new book written through journal entries a few years ago and it’s time to finish it.
  • Edit half of Traitors & Tyrants. I feel so close to being ready for submission with this book. And if I never move forward, I will never get the chance to be a published author, which is something I’ve wanted long before I started blogging. So I need to do this.
  • Read three books. I set a Goodreads goal of 10 books this year. I will go crazy if I don’t meet that. Three books should be doable. As long as I don’t sit in front of the TV forever. I’m pathetic.

All right, I’ve spilled my guts, now you tell me, what are YOUR goals this month?

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

5 thoughts on “July Wrap Up and August Goals (Because I Did So Well Last Month)

  1. WELCOME BACK TO BLOGGING! Coming back after a long time of missing it is just amazing. And congrats on your wedding earlier this year!!! ♥ And best of luck with edits–you’re going to be a fabulous author for sure!


  2. YAY welcome back to blogging! I’m happy to see you are back and motivated to blog again, feeling all of that energy and inspiration for blogging is the best feeling ever. I wish you the best of luck for your new blogging schedule – and writing as well 😀
    Have a wonderful August! ❤ ❤


    1. Thank you!! I am really happy to be back too! The break was needed but it was long. It really is wonderful to feel this energy and love of blogging and books again. Blogging makes me love books even more than I already do.


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