Harry Potter Sorting: House, Wand, Patronus

I talk about Harry Potter a lot but I’ve never shared my Hogwarts house with y’all, my patronus, wand… Nothing! That should be a crime. I can’t believe it never occurred to me before now. So I’m going to share that with y’all now.

If you haven’t already been sorted into your house, go to Pottermore and get sorted! What in the world are you waiting for? It’s a lot of fun to see where the official sorting test puts you! (And don’t forget to come back and tell me where you end up!)

Hogwarts House

Hufflepuff: Loyal, patient, fair, hard-working, and true.

Being sorted into Hufflepuff took some getting used to. It’s not as glamorous as the other houses are, but as I thought about the Hufflepuff values (listed above), I realized that they really fit me a lot better than the values for the other houses. I’ve decided that I’m okay with being in a quieter house.

Less pressure, right?



Phoenix feather core. Need I say more? That is just the coolest thing to me. It’s the same core as Voldemort and Harry Potter.

Really though, I feel like the core speaks for itself. Majorly cool.


Not gonna lie, I was hoping for something cool like a wolf or something (my older brother’s patronus is a wolf). At least it’s not a rat though (*cough* sorry, mom *cough*).

Fun fact: my husband’s patronus is a dog.

Ilvermorny House

There isn’t really a lot of information on the Pukwudgie house, but I like what I see. Favors healers? I mean, I’m good with that. Do you think it’ll be like Katara healing with her water bending? I honestly feel like this house is the Ilvermorny equivalent to Hufflepuff though. I also think it’s cool that the Ilvermorny houses are based off of magical creatures. I really like that Rowling make Ilvermorny’s houses different from how the Hogwarts houses were chosen.

What Hogwarts and Ilvermorny houses are you in? Your wand core? Patronus? Do tell!

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

2 thoughts on “Harry Potter Sorting: House, Wand, Patronus

  1. I have absolutely no idea what my wand and patronus are because I can never remember.😂 But I am without doubt Slytherin!!😂I think my secondary house would be Hufflepuff though?? Possibly Ravenclaw, but I’m less in pursuit of knowledge just for the sake of loving knowledge…and more in pursuit of it when it has a reason/benefit. Haha. I’m the worst.

    I loved getting to know your house too!!


    1. Lol. I always have to look up what my wand is. I can never remember what it is off the top of my head. You a Slytherin? But you’re so sweet! I used to think I was more of a Ravenclaw but yeah… no.



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