Publishing in a Box: July 2018

Publishing in a Box: information to make you think, stuff to make you hyperventilate, news to keep you informed. Here you can expect to find stories from independent book bloggers as well as information on general happenings within the book/movie world.



Y’all probably heard about the Forbes article saying Amazon should replace libraries. As you can imagine, that caused a big uproar in the book community and Krysta @ Pages Unbound produced a great article as to Why Amazon Can’t Replace Libraries.

I couldn’t not share this tweet.

You probably also saw the many threads on twitter about book piracy and how it’s wrong. The Bookshelf Bitch put together a post to help you read books at discounted prices, as well as free and legally because piracy is theft. I thought about putting my own blog post with a list of resources together, but some many others have already done that, so I figured I’d share someone’s work with you instead.

Kaleena @ Reader Voracious has some free book blogger templates for scheduling and statistics available for you. So if that’s your thing, go for it.

Lost in Pages gave us a list of series they want to finish. Are any of your favorites on there?

The Book Nut also provided us with a list of resources you can find at your local library, further proving why we need libraries and should never get rid of them.


The list of the 2018 World Fantasy Award Finalists is now available at Tor.

Veronica Roth is releasing her first book that isn’t YA! Congrats, Veronica!

Paperfury’s first novel just came out this past June! The biggest congratulations to Cait! Her blog is always a treat to read and her bookstagram is beatiful.

I’ve been listening to V.E. Schwab’s youtube series about writing lately because Schwab is amazing, so enjoy with me.

Movies/TV Shows

The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly was such a heart-wrenching book and I’m surprised but also kind of thrilled to see that it is getting some screen time.

Fox has finally sold rights to Disney to let them make X-Men movies. I haven’t decided if I’m excited about this or not yet, but it certainly is interesting.

The new trailer for The Crimes of Gindelwald is now available.

Netflix has made a movie for the book To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, which I was really surprised to learn but it looks cute.

Now tell me, what did I miss? And what are YOU most excited for?

Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

2 thoughts on “Publishing in a Box: July 2018

  1. Eeep so stoked for Cait as well! Her debut book was so awesome, just as awesome as her book blog! ALSO I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE TO ALL THE BOYS MOVIE! I wasn’t a fan of the book AT ALL, but the movie looks super cute. ♥ Thanks for sharing all this! ^_^


    1. I went to B&N this last weekend and kept combing the shelves, hoping I would see it so I could take a picture of it. Her blog is awesome! And I would like to read her book at some point! So happy for her! The To All the Boys movies does look cute. I’ve never been interested in the book, but I’ll probably end up watching the movie.


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