11 Epic Moments from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2

I’m back with another Harry Potter blog post because why not? I mean, really? Do any of us get tired of it? Don’t answer that question unless the answer is , no. So I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter – unashamedly so – and because I have so many other books to read, I rely on the movies to fulfill my Harry Potter needs a lot of the time. Okay, so I rely on them most of the time. Aside from the fact that they’re Harry Potter movies though, they were filmed extremely well and I don’t think we could have asked for better adaptions (unless we’re talking about The Half-Blood Prince, because what exactly happened there guys?).

I’ve already talked about what I consider to be the 6 Bravest Acts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1, so obviously we were due for something about part two. I’ve just about finished my intro now, so lets do this. Note: this list is not in any particular order.

The Gringotts Escape

Throughout the entire series, it’s emphasized that Gringotts is impossible to break into. That’s why all of the wizards trust it to hold their money and even some valuables. Its reputation is what made the break in during Harry Potter’s first year so serious and sensational. (Remember, someone *cough* tried to steal the sorcerer’s stone his first year, thankfully after Hagrid had brought it to Hogwarts.) Its also why Voldemort trusted it as the place to store not only one of his horcruxes, but also the sword of Gryffindor. Up until the seventh book/movie though, we weren’t really all that certain what exactly made it so difficult to break into Gringotts. And then we were given an answer: the goblins were storing a freaking dragon inside.

Lets just take a moment to wonder how in the world they managed to get a dragon in there without everyone already knowing it was there. I mean, how people? I don’t recall us knowing this until Harry, Ron, and Hermione came face to face with it. Thanks so the fourth book/movie, we’d already seen how lethal a dragon could be. They didn’t just get past the dragon though, they freaking escaped on it. That scene, seeing the dragon bust through the top of Gringotts, that was epic and delightful.

Learning the DA is as Strong as Ever

Dumbledore's army room of requirments 7 pt 2

Does anyone else feel warm and fuzzy that moment Harry, Ron, and Hermione walk into the Room of Requirement to find the DA waiting for them? That moment gives me the chills and never fails to bring a smile to my face. That moment of hope is crucial to prepare us for what’s next. The DA’s greeting is heartwarming and definitely a shining moment in a dark story.

Harry Confronts Snape in the Great Hall

Snape's Assembly

Snape: the man who killed Dumbledore and has done nothing but be cruel to Harry and his friends (or so we think). It doesn’t matter that we know the truth about him as an audience, it doesn’t matter how many times we see his sacrifice, because we understand the courage and sheer bravery it takes Harry to stand in front of him in this moment. He’s disguised among the students and steps out knowing that the Carrows are there and thinking that Snape was an enemy. After years of mistreatment at Snape’s hands, Harry finally stands in front of him in one epic moment of defiance.

McGonagall Fights Snape

McGonagall fights snape

I’ve already talked about how cool McGonagall is, but this is worth highlighting over and over again (until the day I die). Once again, it doesn’t matter that we know Snape is really on their side, freaking McGonagall is about to duel and it doesn’t matter who it’s against. We know she’ll destroy anyone in her path because she’s freaking McGonagall. After years watching students not dare to cross her, we see exactly why she has such a large and respectable reputation.

Snape Takes Out Two Death Eaters

Snape Flees

Since we’re on this scene, lets talk about Snape some more. Here he is dueling McGonagall and his actions could be mistaken as fear but after we learn about his past and the truth about him, I don’t think we can assume it’s fear. I am of the belief that Snape is a very capable duelist and stands a very good chance against McGonagall, but I believe that hesitation is really because he cares. He doesn’t want to hurt these people. In the book, we find out that Snape was trying to protect the students from the Carrows as much as possible while still playing Voldemort. That look on his face? That’s not fear and if it is, I don’t think it’s a fear of McGonagall. If it’s fear, then it’s because he’s afraid of hurting her because he doesn’t want to.

What really makes this part so touching when it comes to Snape though, is (if you’re paying attentionI you’ll see that as he blocks one of McGonagall’s spells, he takes the opportunity to take out the Carrows without anyone realizing it.

You Find Out Hogwarts has an Army


Whew. This is a long list. I’m going to admit that I don’t remember the seventh book well enough to tell you if there was a statue army at Hogwarts. Even if there wasn’t though, it was spectacular to watch in the movie and a completely faithful addition to the story.

Molly Weasley Defends Ginny

Molly Weasley kills Bellatrix

Bellatrix Lestrange killed Sirius and now she’s after Ginny. Of course, Ginny is an amazingly talented witch, but Bellatrix has experience and knowledge that Ginny doesn’t. There was no way, Ginny was going to win this battle so good ‘ol mom stepped in. Molly Weasley is not someone any of her children or most other people are willing to mess with, and this particular scene shows us exactly why that’s the case. The Weasley family already shined throughout the series, but this battle at Hogwarts has them shine in a completely different way than they ever have before. You all know that when you were sitting there in the theater you wanted to shout in triumph when Bellatrix was defeated; and her defeat was made all the sweeter because of Mrs. Weasley.

That Final Battle

Hogwarts sheild

As far as battles go, they really out did every single part for this last movie. It’s the final battle against Voldemort. They are the last resisters and if they lose this battle, then Voldemort wins completely. They’re fighting for everything in these moments and it’s spectacular and sad and has you on the edge of your seat the entire time. It doesn’t matter that you know they’re going to win, because you know that victory comes at an incredibly high cost.

Voldemort Finds Out Harry is Still Alive

Hagrid Carries Harry

He’s finally done it. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has finally killed Harry Potter. Hagrid is forced to carry Harry’s body and everyone is utterly devastated. They’re nearing the moment of defeat. His supposed death is emotionally defeating and just when Voldemort is gloating and Neville is trying to rally his allies, Harry freaking rolls out of Hagrid’s arms. That look on Voldemort’s face? Priceless. He was told by one of his very own that Harry was dead. He vividly remembers hitting Harry with the killing curse and now he finds out that this kid has survived the killing curse not once, but twice? No one can refute that Harry took it head on and he’s still freaking alive. This moment makes me feel warm and fuzzy too.

Aberforth Repells Dementors

Gone Dementors

Harry, Ron, and Hermione take a nice little loop through the battlefield, showing us exactly what’s going on since they’ve been in the Room of Requirement for the majority of the battle. It’s a hopeless fight. People are dying and they’re clearly overwhelmed, so when they see an army of dementors coming, they find themselves just utterly helpless in that moment. And then comes Aberforth Dumbledore with a huge and powerful Patronus. This part always makes me smile.

Neville’s Speech

Neville's Speech

Dear, dear, Neville. Who knew you would turn out to be so inspiring? Every adult in his life is just standing there, listening to Voldemort, so he takes the opportunity to tell the Dark Lord off. The kid has guts. You have to give them much and the fact that he was even willing to speak against Voldemort when only a few feet separate them? It’s pretty fantastic.

Death Eaters Flee


It’s like the moment of truth. Harry Potter has survived Voldemort twice. They literally watched him just about kill Harry and the kid is still alive. I don’t know about you, but that would throw me off too. They’ve watched fellow Death Eaters die at the hands of Voldemort. They’ve seen him kill people and probably worse, yet this kid is still alive. So the great majority of them flee and that’s pretty satisfying to watch. After all of the terror they’ve caused, they’ve been defeated.

What do you think some of the most epic moments are from Harry Potter 7 Pt. 2? Did I miss any? Do you disagree?






Published by Stephanie

20 something college student who wants to travel and has no idea what they're doing with their life.

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